Well, another year is over. Time for another look back on the past year, and moving forward. There's been a lot of good, and bad. 2023 was quite a year! I'll take some inspiration from the Norse norms, embrace my witchy side here a little bit. Why not?

The Past - Urd
Overall, I think it was a really good year for me! However...I'm struggling to remember everything that happened. But, I know there were a lot of good experiences. Realizing that I've forgotten the details of much of my year now...is honestly a bit distressing.
I had managed to figure out what I want to do, as far as creativity goes, at least. I've started developing my world, Aria. I've gone to some fun events with friends. I've learned so much about myself. There was a lot of heartache and pain as well, though. The last few months of the year, as health issues began to pop up, I began to reflect on some relationships on my life. I realized some relationships I had to put so much into, I wasn't getting the same back. I wasn't feeling supported, or cared about, or that my issues (good or bad) mattered to them. And...life is too short to be putting my energy into places where I don't feel like I am getting the same or similar back, or where I leave feeling worse than before, more often than not. This isn't to put anyone down, but rather, I know where I stand and what I need now. I can love and care about people, while keeping a bit of a distance for my own wellbeing. I know what I need to get out of relationships that I'm going to put my whole heart into, and I now know where I need to step back.
The Present - Verdandi
Following through my last comments...the impossible has happened! I've realized that I do genuinely like the person that I am (minus the health issues, certainly), and I'm generally happy. The only thing holding me back this moment is a slew of health issues.
Right now, while I have a lot of goals and plans, I am not sure how easily I will be able to work on them. Part of my health issues has been severe anemia. This is at least part of my constant fatigue and exhaustion. Because of that, I am finding myself dissociating a LOT, and with very little energy. So, that makes it challenging to get much done, or to be very active. I'm presently waiting on a phone call from my doctor on the results of another test that was recently done (side note, I'm terrified). I'm doing my best to get the anemia under control and get myself some more energy to focus and be a bit more productive. That leads me into....
The Future - Skuld
I'm really excited for the new year! Fun projects to work on, and I've got some exciting plans with a friend. This is my third year with the goal of doing 13 new things. (I accomplished that this year!). My friend and I are working to set up outings and do a bunch of little classes and small events to achieve this goal. I just hope my health cooperates, and that whatever my results are, it's manageable. I've got too much to do to slow down now. I'm looking forward to cosplaying at a convention again and meeting an actor, a couple small trips, camping, paint night with friends, a float, sound bath...just to name a few things. 2024 has some really incredible potential!